Sunday, August 29, 2010

Munich 29 August 2010

Our last day in Europe. How sad. The top photo is the former royal residence of the Bavarian royal family. It was completely destroyed in World War II and rebuilt, only that part with the patterned wall survived the bombing.
The second photo is part of Odeonplatz the Nazis installed a tribute to Hitler on the side of this monument which was guarded by SS guards and everyone who walked past had to give the Nazi salute to the plaque.
The third photo is the base of a statue to a composer (can't recall his name but it doesn't matter it's on there if you can read it) which has been hijacked by these women and girls as a shrine to Michael Jackson on all 4 sides. The council people remove it all every few weeks and then the girls put it all back again.
The last 2 photos are the inside and outside of the Hofbrauhaus. The most famous beer hall in Munich. We didn't drink there but they reckon the waitresses are rude and still expect to be tipped. It's also where Hitler essentially took serious control of what then became the fledgling Nazi Party. Men drinking beer goes hand in hand with German politics. The women and children go and eat in another part of the beer halls. Good idea eh?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Dachau Concentration Camp 27 August 2010

Had to go to this place, a fairly sobering experience. Top is the sculpture created in the 60's apparently to represent the bodies of those who died here. Behind it is the main building where most of the torture and punishment took place. Second photo showing between two buildings is the main building on the left and on the right the building where prisoners who broke minor camp rules were kept in solitary for up to 7 months in total darkness. The third photo (where you may need to lie on your side) shows part of the trench and grass area surrounding the camp. Guards would have sport throwing prisoners' hats onto the grass. If the prisoner went onto the grass the tower guards shot them. If they managed to get off alive their whole barracks was punished. The next photo is inside one of the gas chambers showing the vents where the gas was inserted. It's really an experience to stand in a room where thousands of people have died. And finally the crematorium ovens.
Dachau was the first concentration camp established by the Nazis and was the training camp for SS soldiers who went out to all other camps. It's the only camp which lasted the full duration of the war and longer (1933-1945). A scene from Band of Brothers when the soldiers came upon a camp was filmed at one of the nearby satellite camps (that's for you Cameron). We spent 3 hours here on a guided tour and still didn't see all there was to see.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Munich 26 August 2010

Arrived this afternoon and got acquainted with the place. Had an interesting German cheese plate for afternoon tea. Sometimes in these places you never know what you're going to get when you order. Yes I'm afraid it's another church. Second from the bottom is the Rathaus (what the Germans, Austrians and Swiss call the town hall). We probably should rename parliament that. The bottom photo is the entry gate to the town centre Karlsplatz square is at one end and Marianplatz square at the other and heaps of shops and again tourist Mecca in the middle.

Salzburg 25 August 2010

Prost Joel. Enjoying a cleansing ale at the Augustiner Monastery brewery beer garden. There were about 200 others enjoying one as well.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Berchtesgaden tour 25 August 2010

Went up to Hitler's Eagles Nest mountain top conference centre at Berchtesgaden today. The main part of the attraction of the tour is that, from the top, you can see all around the local areas including Salzburg - on a good day. Unfortunately we were enveloped in cloud the whole time we were up there. Wal, you're not going to believe this but our guide's name was Walter. Quite a character. Eagles Nest was actually created for Hitler by Martin Boerman and another of his cronies as a 50th birthday present. What they apparently didn't take into account was that Hitler was afraid of heights and claustrophobic. The only access there includes a ride up about 190 feet in a lift. There's apparently an emergency lift which runs right next to the main one in which only 6 people can be evacuated at a time if the main one breaks down. They cram about 30 people into the main lift each time it goes up or down Chez. When Hitler rode in it he insisted only 5 other people go with him in case of a breakdown.
The town of Berchtesgaden is beautiful, another little town you'd like to stay and spend some time in. We only had time for sausages and a cleansing ale Chez.
Spent a bit of time in the castle above Salzburg yesterday. It dates from the 11th century and it perched right on top a small mountain overlooking the city. It's a don't look down if you don't like heights place. Apparently it's the oldest complete castle in Europe.

Sound of Music tour 24 August 2010

OK fans and others these are 1) the front gate of the Abbey where the nun ripped the distributor out of the Gestapo car 2) the church in which Maria and the Captain were married 3) the tree lined lane where you hang from the trees in your curtain clothes 4) of course, that gazebo 5) the riverside section of the Captain's house where Maria and the kids fell out of the boat and came up to the steps with the Captain, Max and the other woman drinking pink lemonade.
The tree lined lane and the house are unfortunately in black and white because we somehow bumped the B & W button. Apologies. They do actually appear in colour in real life.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Salzburg 23 August 2010

Our first impressions of Salzburg. Wow!! it's amazing. These photos were only taken on the first afternoon we arrived during a quick trip into the city area. Not a large city but the central area is really pretty and traditional. Tomorrow the Sound of Music tour. The hills are alive etc.

Vienna to Salzburg 23 August 2010

First photo is our brave little soldier who has faithfully carted us across Europe. Vienna to Salzburg could've been a lovely trip except for the road authority deciding to put up what appeared to be traffic sound walls all over the place to protect the locals but they also had the effect of preventing the tourists from seeing any of the lovely little towns on the way. A fairly uneventful trip.

Vienna 22 August 2010

Some weary travellers again taking some refreshments. This was again part of the film festival in Vienna. Thought we might have a look at a couple of amber films on a beautiful warm afternoon in the park.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Vienna 22 August 2010

Bottom is St. Peters church. Today was our big church day as you can see. Middle is Roman ruins dating back to the 2nd to 4th centuries unearthed during some construction work. There is part of a mural on one wall and the information plaque says the building would have had a heated floor. The final photo is of a young bloke done up as Mozart and he just stands on this box all day and entertains tourists and hope they drop coins in his tin. Young blokes doing this sort of thing are all over Europe.

Vienna 22 August 2010

St. Stephen's cathedral. There was a mass happening when we went in. Must've been a special occasion since there was about 6 priests. The shot of the front looks a bit funny because they're renovating the front of it and what they do over here if they're renovating one of these old buildings is create a cover for the scaffolding which looks exactly like the building itself.

Vienna 22 August 2010

The little 11th century church we mentioned yesterday.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Images of Vienna 21 August 2010

The first one's the horse 'n' cart Skin. The last one is Mozart's statue with the flowers forming a treble clef. There are also statues to Strauss and Beethoven.
Today was a fantastic day for sightseeing weatherwise. About 28-30 degrees. Tomorrow is predicted to be 31, a stinker for Europe. Glad I brought warmer clothes (just in case).