Thursday, August 19, 2010

Klagenfurt 19 August 2010

A really lovely little town. Just like Nancy in France, would've liked to stop longer. Unfortunately it was only intended to be a stopover on the way to Vienna. Stumbled on this little street cafe for lunch just after we arrived and had a "wurst" salad for lunch Chez. We both had one and it was excellent, even Deb thought so. The young waitress who served us wanted to keep talking to us so she could practice her schoolgirl English. The people in the little places like this when you tell them you're from Australia go "Oooooohh!!" I think because, unlike the big cities, they don't encounter us too often.
Back to German again. You just get used to one language and you move on to another. We topped our fuel up this morning in Venice and, because I couldn't speak Italian and we had French number plates the servo bloke said "Bonjour, monsieur".

1 comment:

  1. We all look alike but sure don't talk the same lingo. Looks like a gorgeous little town and you sure seem to be enjoying yourselves. It is a real thrill to see how other folks live. god back to those sausages, you will be like I was when I came back from America with the pancakes and suffer withdrawal when u get home. ha ha. love ya both. Chez xx
