Sunday, August 8, 2010

Nancy and Stuttgart

Bonjour all from Nancy. This was a lovely old town with medieval origins. Would have liked to h.ave spent more time there. Only booked it as one night as a stop over. Oh well. Beautiful cobble stone streets and old buildings. Some photos will follow.

Drove from Nancy to Sindelfingen (Sunday 8th). Thought we were actually staying in outer Stuttgart but turned out to be Sindelfingen which is apparently like Maitland to Newcastle. It's a bit disappointing itself but drove through some beautiful provincial towns on the way. We'll post some photos of those as well.

So far the driving has been good (touch wood) you can get used to the wrong side of the road fairly quickly. The locals may not agree with me but bugger 'em. Joel was right, I've been driving along doing 125kmph (5ks under the limit) and the Mercs and Audis go past you like you're standing still. It's the Germans in particular because the roads are better. The French just drive like maniacs in the city. The Italians are supposed to be worse.

Had a funny time in the laundromat yesterday in Nancy. Only us and a young Italian bloke there and no employee. He's trying to tell us how to do the washing and drying and we're trying to understand, all in sign language and Italo/Australian gibberish. We'd all break up laughing every so often.

Well that's about all for the moment. Don't want to bore our followers and for Erin now we're in Germany - bis spater.


  1. Hi Guys,
    Having a wonderful time here in Newcastle - wish you were here!
    John n Dian.
    BTW, Happy Birthday Keith!

  2. Sorry you had to get the blog address from Glenn I did send it to you the address we have is if this is incorrest let me know Deb xx
