Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Venice 17 August 2010

Interesting place Venice. The centre of the city as most of us know it is beautiful and rich in history. Magnificent churches and sculpting generally. Didn't get to have a beer with the Brangelinas yet. Invitation'll probably come tomorrow. The city centre would have the be the tourist Mecca of the world. There's only 2 types of people there. Tourists and those who provide for the tourists (i.e. gondoliers and restauranteurs). We haven't quite worked out why the Italians have a thing about plastering some beautiful historic building with a huge Coke or movie poster. The gondola ride was definitely worth it, it just completed the feeling of being in Venice for real.

The San Marco square (piazza for us Italians) there was 2 squillian tourists speaking all tongues and we bumped into a couple of Aussies from Brisbane. There's a small restaurant about every 10-20 meters in the many tiny lanes in Venice. To be honest though Italian pizza is not much different to what we get at home, it is, however, everywhere.

On our way into Venice we stopped and asked for directions at a small restaurant. The owner was a fairly young bloke and told Deb we should come back for tea because he has the best fish. We did go back that night and he was very happy to see us but the Italian fish dishes are a little different to ours so we went for the fillet of beef - excellent. If you don't order an entree over here they seem to feel sorry for you and give you some little complimentary appetiser. Our friend also gave us some little liquor shot at the end which was really nice.

So far we're managing with the language situation. Our little book combined with their little English and hand signals seems to get us by. Won't bore you any more. Ciao.


  1. Is the San Marco square the one with all the pidgeons?

  2. I hate my life! All this good stuff is too depressing for me!

  3. Yes its full of them, but so are a lot of places over here, you just clap your hands really loudly & they take off only for a second of course then they're back again.
    One man was stqanding unger a lamppost & got shat on.

  4. Happy Birthday "Aunty Betty". Won't say hope you are having a good one 'cause I know you will be - how could you not! Love from the Magrips

  5. Happy birthday Deb from the Stockos. Hope you did "ducka your head lowla bridgeda" on the Gondola!!

  6. Yes Keith couldn't help himself of course he would say that you are so alike. Thanks for the wishes.
