Friday, August 27, 2010

Dachau Concentration Camp 27 August 2010

Had to go to this place, a fairly sobering experience. Top is the sculpture created in the 60's apparently to represent the bodies of those who died here. Behind it is the main building where most of the torture and punishment took place. Second photo showing between two buildings is the main building on the left and on the right the building where prisoners who broke minor camp rules were kept in solitary for up to 7 months in total darkness. The third photo (where you may need to lie on your side) shows part of the trench and grass area surrounding the camp. Guards would have sport throwing prisoners' hats onto the grass. If the prisoner went onto the grass the tower guards shot them. If they managed to get off alive their whole barracks was punished. The next photo is inside one of the gas chambers showing the vents where the gas was inserted. It's really an experience to stand in a room where thousands of people have died. And finally the crematorium ovens.
Dachau was the first concentration camp established by the Nazis and was the training camp for SS soldiers who went out to all other camps. It's the only camp which lasted the full duration of the war and longer (1933-1945). A scene from Band of Brothers when the soldiers came upon a camp was filmed at one of the nearby satellite camps (that's for you Cameron). We spent 3 hours here on a guided tour and still didn't see all there was to see.


  1. Hello there, bit depressing those photos but I have better news for you. That hotel with no parking, you get back around 280 so Loz was really pleased. you can spend a bit more now. love to you both x

  2. Thanks to Merly ballon de Wirth she was very helpful in this, not to mention Tracey.
